Receipt Journal allows you to create a new journal to record the transaction details or to specify an existing journal to which the transactions should be added.
Menu Path: Finance > Transactions > Receipts
- Select the customer, Payment Method, and Amount
- Select the Invoice to receive the payment and save
Apply the Customer Payment to Multiple Sales Transactions
Receipts Journal: If the Customer has paid you the amount by check and wants you to apply it to multiple Sales Transactions.
- Select the Customer and payment method
- Select no of transactions to include in the payment
Note: If the Check amount and the sum of amounts to be paid on the multiple Transactions get balanced, the transaction will be saved.
Note: If the Check amount is more than the sum of amounts to be paid on the multiple Transactions, the overpayment amount will be credited as a deposit to the Customer Account. This amount can be adjusted for future or other outstanding customer balances.
- This does not apply to computer-generated
Receipts Journal Report
This Report is a combination of payment and Receipt Journals. The payment journal is a record of all payments that have been made by this application. It is specifically set up for cash payment transactions only, which includes payments made by cash, check, debit card, or electronic withdrawals. A receipts journal is a specialized tool used in an accounting system to keep track of the sales of items when cash is received, by crediting sales and debiting cash.
The Payment or Receipt Journal Report displays the following:
Account Summary, Payment Summary, Accounting Year, Date, Payment method, Description, Suppliers (Payment), Customers (Receipt), and amount.
The Receipt Journal Report can be accessed from
Menu Path: Finance > Reports > Payments or Receipts Journal
Unposted Receipt Journals List
The Unposted Receipt Journals List displays all the receipt journals that have not been posted.
The options that provide information in the Unposted Receipt Journals list are:
- List Transaction
- Transactions
- Posted Journals
If a manual sales order is created for entry type ‘Miscellaneous Deposit’, then the transaction number cannot be changed, but the entry can be deleted. When the amount in an entry is modified, OnCloud also updates the amounts received against the transactions.
If details other than those listed below need to be rectified, you would have to void the receipt journal and recreate the entries.
Delete Transactions – Receipt Journal
Transactions can be Deleted from the Receipt Journal Master only if the receipt journal has not been posted. A journal is deemed to be voided if all the transactions in the receipt journal are voided. Its status changes to ‘Voided Journal’.
The receipt/refund transactions that cannot be Deleted are:
- Transactions in a posted journal.
- Transactions for system-generated journals.
- An unposted refund transaction for which a computerized check has been printed.
- A transaction that was voided from the payment register.
- A transaction that is a reversal entry for a transaction voided from the payment register.